Baby Kate 8 Months Old | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

I absolutely love taking pictures of this little girl! What an awesome night. Mom and Grandma brought plenty of toys and outfits to keep Baby Kate busy while we snapped away. Kudos to her mom and dad, this is one good looking kid!

And my absolute favorite shot of the evening, I love how she looks like a 20s actress in this one!

So so so much fun! I can't wait until 4 months from now when Kate gets her 1 year photos! Please let me know what you think :D

The World's Luckiest Photographers

Guess who we got to take pictures of tonight?
What do we love more than taking pictures of the best clients ever? Taking pictures of the best clients ever AGAIN!!! Many many many more on their way, like maybe hundreds. Can't wait to finish these!

Allen & Melba's 90th | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

My grandma just turned 90 last weekend and she asked me to take a few pictures of her and grandpa. It was an honor to do so. There's no one I love and respect more.

Adorre Photography | Miss Hailey | Mantua, UT

The cool thing about these pictures is Hailey's mom had her picture taken in this exact same field when she was Hailey's age. What a great present for mom!

As always I would appreciate your comments!

Michelle and Wesley's Wedding Album

You may remember these two and their beautiful wedding last month. They requested a 20-page custom album that is just about to be sent in for printing. Check it out!


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Adorre Photography | More of the Cain Wedding | Ogden, UT

Skyler & Dory's Wedding | Adorre Photography | Ogden, UT

Skyler and Dory got hitched at Union Station in Ogden. Lots of work went into making sure every detail was perfect. And it was all worth it because it was a gorgeous ceremony.

Thanks guys for letting us enjoy your company on your big day!

The Curtis Family | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

Family pictures in Green Canyon are a bit of a tradition for the Curtis crew and I was stoked to be invited to go along this year. The sun was a little bright, but it was better than rain like we'd been having for the last week!

Ha ha! Love it.

And the winner is...

... Karen Andrews! Congrats, Karen! We look forward to working with you!

Wedding Package Giveaway

As of yesterday we had almost 300 entries for our wedding package giveaway! Not bad guys! :) The winner will be announced on Monday (6/15), so check back to find out if you're the lucky one!

As for the rest of you, the fun is not over! You can still click on over to check out the ginormous discount we're offering on ALL photography sessions! Gotta hurry, though, cuz in order to get this awesome discount you must book your session by June 30!

Thanks to everyone for making this giveaway a huge success. And a special thanks to Giveaway Today for hosting it for us!

Whoo! Today's the Day!

Today we're giving away a whole wedding package! No joke! Go enter!!!

After you've entered, here's some light reading. It's basically an outline of what Adorre Photography is all about when it comes to weddings. The short version is that we love 'em! The long version, well, here ya go:


Who Will Be Shooting My Wedding, Meg or Ash?
By choosing Adorre you have the option of not one, but TWO photographers (based on availability – so we encourage you to book early)! Yep, you get both of us! This means you get more pictures, different perspectives, and more extensive overall coverage.

Can I Buy the Copyright?

Our goal is to make quality wedding photography affordable. One way we do this is by including the copyright release for all the images we take in every package we offer. This way you’re able to print your images whenever you want in any quantity, size, or form. No hassling with print orders or proofs.

Do You Limit the Number of Pictures You Take?
Rest assured, if we’re breathing, we’re clicking pictures… and they’re all yours.

What are “Digitally Enhanced” Images?
That means we ensure that your pictures are going to look fabulous when printed, so we may tweak a few technical aspects of the picture (lighting, contrast, etc) when necessary. We can also give you copies of select images with more advanced edits applied (black and white, spot color, etc).

What Does “High Resolution” Mean?
Having high resolution image files means that you can make larger prints (like 8x10s or even 16x20s) without compromising the integrity and quality of the picture.

The Wedding Dealio

The following is a detailed explanation of what you can expect when you choose Adorre Photography for your wedding.

Engagement Session
These are Meg’s favorite type of session, hands down, no doubt about it. They’re SO stinkin’ much funawesome (yes, that's a word). Essentially it’s about an hour and a half of being cute and silly and in love. We encourage bringing different outfits - we'll even send you some helpful guidelines once you book your session. It’s also fun when props are thrown into the mix – some of our favorites so far have been red balloons and photo booth strips. As far as locations, we have an arsenal of good places to take you, but we also love a couple that brings their own ideas to the table.

Bridals / Formals
First, let’s whip out the dictionary and explain these terms…
A "Bridal" session is all about the bride. No groom allowed.
A "Formal" session includes both the bride and the groom.

The choice is yours, but if you need help deciding – just holler. We’d be happy to talk you through it. No matter which option you pick, it’s a really good idea to bring along mom or a friend to help you manage the dress, hair, and flowers. As we mentioned before, we have a million locations we can take you, but we also love a couple that can throw down some suggestions of their own.

For couples who get hitched inside LDS temples, ceremony coverage will include shots of you coming out of the temple, structured group shots, a mini formal session on the temple grounds, and candids. For those who tie the knot elsewhere, we cover the actual ceremony, structured group shots, a mini formal session at the venue, and candids.

Now you’re hitched and it’s time to party! Whoo! We’ll buzz around, capturing the main events (cake cutting, garter, first dance, etc) as well as candid and detail shots.

Overwhelmed? It's a lot of info, we know. That's why we'd be stoked to discuss it with you over an ice cream cone. Just let us know and we can show you more pictures and answer your questions.

Skyler & Dory's Wedding Sneak Peek | Adorre Photography | Ogden, UT

I've been saying it for months - Adorre Photography gets THE coolest couples. Here's some proof.

We're editing away like crazy, so expect more from these two shortly!

Dory's Bridals | Adorre Photography | Ogden, Utah

Dory decided to do a bridal session (instead of formals), because they wanted Skyler to see her in the dress for the first time as she was walking down the aisle. So these pictures have been on lock down, but since they are now Mr. and Mrs. we can all enjoy them!