'Tis the season!

Here are a few samples to get you thinking about what you'd like your holiday photos and cards to look like this year! We are starting to do holiday sessions now, so hurry and book yours so that your cards are all ready to send out this holiday season!

Katie's Senior Session | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

Katie is so gorgeous and knows how to work it for the camera! Yay for fun Senior Sessions, especially with gals who have such great taste in shoes!!! So fun!

Change of Plans

After considering the feedback we've received from everyone, we have decided to focus our efforts on holiday sessions. So, instead of doing the Halloween mini sessions tomorrow, we'll be working to get holiday card options posted. We want to thank those of you who expressed an interest in the Halloween sessions and encourage you to consider a family holiday shoot! More information is on the way! Thanks again!

Janelle Bridal Glimpse

I have so many amazing shots of this gorgeous girl. Here is just a little taste until the rest are posted :)

I can't decide which version I like better. What do you think?

The Marshall Family | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

To sum this session up in one word: ohmygoshsomuchfun. One word. :)

Seriously, every single person in this family is hilarious and beyond awesome. Can I take pictures with you guys EVERY Saturday?!?!

Janelle & Herb Engagements | adorre photography | Ogden, UT

Herb & Janelle Sneak Peek | Adorre Photography | Layton, UT

Just a quick sneak peek, since I know my aunt Stacy is dying to see these :)

The Dahl Boys | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

Who doesn't love spending a Saturday morning with a couple of studs like these two?!

I'm pretty much in love with this first one...

... and equally in love with this last one. So much fun! Such cute little boys! Thanks Dahl Fam!

More of the Izatt Extended Family | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

The Izatt's and I go way back. I was so excited to take their extended family pictures. So many cute kids, and they were all SO well behaved. It was a dream shoot where we got everything we wanted in a short amount of time. Thanks Guys!

As always I would love to know what you think!

Izatt Family | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

Just a quick handful to give you a taste! More, as usual, to come!