The McCune Family | Adorre Photography | Hyrum, UT

First, let me just answer the question you're all asking yourselves. Yes, these little boys really are THAT cute!!! And they're quite the models as well... as long as Starbursts were involved. :)

Thanks for a lovely Saturday morning McCune crew!

Oh and a special thanks goes out to my husband, Steve, who accompanied me on this shoot and pulled silly faces in an effort to make the boys laugh. :)


  1. Susan said...

    You did a REALLY good job on my daughter and family. THanks!

  2. Marci said...

    Yay, I am so excited to see the pictures. Meg you did such a good job working with my boys and thank Steve for us. Thanks again for taking our pictures they are great, I can't wait to see the rest.

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