Brooks Family | Adorre Photography | Brigham City, UT

Caity's Bridals | Adorre Photography | Provo, UT

Photographers love brides like Caity. Why? Well, besides her being a great person, fun to work with, and absurdly gorgeous, she also has great taste. Ash and I got a sneak peek of this on Saturday at her Bridal session. The hair, the dress, the flowers, the shoes. Seriously can't wait for the wedding.

The bold and bright colors of the pictures above are fun, but I am really loving these softer edits below...

LOOOOVE. Please let us know what you think!

P.S. In case you're wondering, you can get more info about who did Caity's hair here.

Adorre Photography | Caity Bridals | Provo, Utah

What do you get when you take an absolutely gorgeous girl, a stellar custom-made wedding gown, and the perfect location? This unbelievable shoot!

And yes, those are pockets on her dress. I'm totally jealous that I never thought of that!

And since Caity is cool enough to have pockets in her dress, don't you think she deserves some comment love?

Karlie & Chesley Engagements | Adorre Photography | Logan, Utah

Just had to put this one up this morning. Love it.

Karlie & Chesley Engagements | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

Once upon a time Karlie and Chesley fell in love. Consequently, Ash and I got to go to the airport and take engagement pictures of them. Why the airport? Well, you see, Chesley, in addition to being a very funny and dapper young man, can fly helicopters... which is pretty much awesome. And Karlie, in addition to being a very funny and smart young woman, is gorgeous... which is pretty much awesome also. And when their powers combine... they make one heck of a picture. Take a peek!

Show them some comment love, because... seriously... did you SEE how cute these two are together?!

More from their engagement shoot on the way...

Roxy & Larry | Adorre Photography | Logan, Utah

So I pretty much love everything about each of these three photos. And as far as the top one goes... Roxy, you are STUNNING!

Oh and P.S. I looked it up and rain on your wedding day is good luck. Plus, you guys got a gorgeous rainbow later in the day. If that's not good luck, I don't know what is.

Roxy & Larry: Pre-Wedding | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

With only a minor encounter with blazing fire alarms, Roxy and Larry's wedding breakfast went off without a hitch. The details were perfect, the food delicious (and plentiful)!

After the wedding breakfast, it was time for hair prep (compliments of the lovely ladies at Arakana Salon). Zebra cape? Yes, please.

Roxy's little sister lucked out and got to have her hair done as well. Afterward, she took quite a shining to Harley the puppy... and I don't blame her one bit.

More to come...

Love, love, love | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

Yesterday I spent just shy of 12 hours documenting wedding bliss. The bride and groom both make each other deliriously happy, as it should be.

Stay tuned for the inevitable picture overload from this beautiful day...

Mindy & Zac Wedding | Adorre Photography | Salt Lake City, UT

Mindy and Zac heard about us from one of my favorite brides, Wendy... and I'm glad they did!

Having emailed back and forth for a while, I was so excited to finally meet them last Saturday! Their ceremony was held at the beautiful Red Butte Garden.

I loved how calm Mindy was the entire time. There was not a trace of nerves or stress, just excitement and happiness. You could tell these two were made for each other!

After the ceremony, we stole the bride and groom for a few pictures. The awesome Red Butte staff took us to a couple gorgeous spots.

They must have thought I was crazy when setting up this shot, but it worked out perfectly! I love these next two pictures...

And what's a wedding post without a few of the details.

Curtis Wedding | Adorre Photography | Salt Lake City, Utah