Karlie & Chesley Engagements | Adorre Photography | Logan, UT

Once upon a time Karlie and Chesley fell in love. Consequently, Ash and I got to go to the airport and take engagement pictures of them. Why the airport? Well, you see, Chesley, in addition to being a very funny and dapper young man, can fly helicopters... which is pretty much awesome. And Karlie, in addition to being a very funny and smart young woman, is gorgeous... which is pretty much awesome also. And when their powers combine... they make one heck of a picture. Take a peek!

Show them some comment love, because... seriously... did you SEE how cute these two are together?!

More from their engagement shoot on the way...


  1. K.J.D.L said...

    Meg, we are thrilled! Ches is already picking out which ones he wants in our house :D

  2. Anonymous said...

    Wow!! Those are awesome pics! I love the b&w - really feels so crisp & clean. I really love those shots...great job, girls.

  3. Michelle and Jason said...

    love love love the pics!! They are just too cute.

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